Composite Regional Centre (CRC), Sundernagar is a name synonymous with dedicated services that enable persons whose lives are afflicted by disabilities. CRC believes that a person may be physically disabled, but there is nothing to impair the spirit for life, to live well and to live with dignity. It is with this belief and commitment to better the lives of the differently-abled that the CRC was incepted in 2001. Today, it continues to stand committed as the singular, steadfast force that the fraternity across the country can count on... Welcome to an organization that does not think the differently-abled are different, but just one among us. Welcome to CRC, Sundernagar, Himachal Pradesh.
Result for the various consultant posts of CDEIC at CRC Sundernagar
Result for the various consultant posts of CRC Sundernagar
Result of written test for the post of Nurse Consultant
Revised Screening List for Various Posts
Employment Notice No.05(R)/2024
Screening Report for 07 Posts of Special Education
Screening Report for 06 Posts of CDEIC
Master Trainer (Consultant) DISLI CRC Sunder Nagar
Sign Language Instructor (Consultant) DISLI CRC Sunder Nagar
Sign Language Interpreter (Consultant) DISLI CRC Sunder Nagar
Reimbursement of Tuition Fee for the 100% Blind & Deaf
Advertisement for the various faculties (Dept. of Spl.Ed.)
Advertisement for the various faculties (CDEIC)
Application Form for various positions
Diploma in Indian Sign Language Interpretation (DISLI)
Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education Enabling Education - ID
Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education Enabling Education - HI
Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education Enabling Education - VI
Advertisement of 2024-26 batch
Application Form for Diploma Courses of RCI
RPwD (Amendment) Rules, 2023 - Accessibility standards on ICT products and Services